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Thursday, March 19, 2020

c programming storage class | codeswithabhi

c programming storage class | codeswithabhi c programming language c programming for prime number c programming basics c programming structure c progr

C programming storage class

In this tutorials, you will learn:-

 Storage Classes:-


Storage class is  define the scope (visibility) life time of variable or function with in the program.

C programming has four types of storage classes:-

1  Auto          (all local values)

2  Extern       (all global variable)

3  Static         (local variables)

4  Register    (fast accessing memory)

Auto :-   Auto is the deafult storage class for all local variable . The scope of an auto variables local and they initialize some garbage value for  a local variable if data isn't given.

E.g:-   #includde<stdio.h>


void mian()


auto int x;

printf("value is %d",x);




value is  52725872      (GARBAGE  VALUE)

2 Extern:- Extern is a storage class for all global variables. The scope of extern variables is the throughout the program nd extern variable always define outside the main function and we can use as global variable.

For e.g:-0



extern int g=10;

void main()





3 Statics :-  Static variable is local variable but its lies as global variable . A static variable can be initialize only at once a static variable initialize by zero automatically when data is not given.

For e.g:-   #include<stdio.h>


void main()


static int  x;

printf("value is =%d",x);



value is =0


4 Register :- Register is used to define local variable that should be store in a register memory instead of   RAM   memory. Generally, it is done for fast accessing of variable because the speed of register is high the RAM . We can define variable on register only for local variable don't have any address.

For e.g:-



void main()


register int c=10;

printf("value is =%d",c); 



                OUTPUT :

              value is= 10

 difference between all four variable:-






Garbage value 
 local variable
 global variable
 local variable
CPU memory
 Garbage value
 local  variable

  All four variable in one program..........

extern int y=10;
void main()
auto int x=1;
static int u=1;
register int s-2;

x= 1;          _________________________  This is possible .                          

 u=1;          __________________________ This i snot possible
u ++;

s=2;           ___________________________ This is possible


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Mr. abhijeet dwivedi


Hey, I'm Abhijeet


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