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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Some basic terms and important definition in C-Programming


In this tutorials, you will learn-


* getch() :-  getch(); is a non standard function and is present in < conio.h > . It hold the output window ,till the user feed input or press any key from the keyboard.  (input a number on keyboard to get back to your program )

*getche() :-  getche (); this is a non standard function which is present in <conio.h>  . It reads the single charcter from the keyboard and display immediately on output screen without waiting for enter key.

* getchar() :-  getchar(); is the function which is used to get/read a character from keyboard input. We can use getchar function as    --        getch(char);

* gets() :-   The gets(); function is used to scan or read a line of text from a standard input devices  and store it in the string variable . when it read the new line character then gets function will be terminated .

putch() :-  putch(); display the any alpha numeric character to the standard output devices.It display only one character at a time.

* puts() :-  puts function is a file handling function in C programming language which is used to write a line to the output screen .

* putche() :-  Like putch this function display a character on the screen but with echo on . 6.

*putchar() :-   putchar function is  a file handling function in C programming language which is used to write character on standard output/screen

*Void main() :- Void main () indicates the main () function will not return any value , and it is a user define function.

*Main function :- The mai  function is the entry point of any C program. This contains two part declaration part & executable part.

*Operating system :- It is a inter phase  or bridge between user and computer  or  between hardware and software

*Compiler :- The compiler converts source code into machine code at one.

*Interpreter :- The interpreter converts source code into machine code line by line.

*Headerfile :- The collection of pre define function which is already exists in library.

*Gobal variable :- The global variable that can be use anywhere in the program.

*Local variable :- The variable which is use for local scope , within the block {.....}

*Operators :- The operator are sign which is use for generate and an expression.

*Documentation section :- The documentation section consist of a set of comment line giving the name of program and other details.

*Comments :-A comments is an explanation or description of the source code of the program. It helps a developers explains logic which of the codes and improve program readability . At run time compiler ignores comments.

*Character sets :- A character sets in C programming is sets of all valid character that can be used to form words ,numbers,and expression in source program.

*Array :- Array is the collection is of homogeneous data items that share a common name . Array contains similar kind of value on a same name it allocate contiguous and sequential memory . Array have some many other things which we discuss our next post.

*String :- A group of character is called string . string have also many types and many other function which we discuss on my next blog..


Mr. abhijeet dwivedi


Hey, I'm Abhijeet


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