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Sunday, March 8, 2020

c programming function | codeswithabhi

c programming function | codeswithabhi c programming structure c programming tutorial c programming function exercise

              C programming function 

In this tutorials, you will learn-



Function is defined as to perform a particular task. In another word, a function is a group of statements that together perform a task.

There are some characteristics of function-

1 Reusability of code.
2 Reduce the complexity and reduce the size of the program 
3 Easy to resolve and issue (easy to debug).

                              Types of function:-

There are basically two types of functions which are available in c language...
1 predefine function
2 user define function

1  Predefine function:-  A predefine function are those function which already exists in the library 
For e.  clrscr( ); , getch() , printf () , scanf() ,etc

2 Userdefine function:-  A function that is defined by user aa per the requirement is known as user define function.

                                 Types of user define function :-  

There are three types of user define function are:-

1 Prototype 
2 Calling of function----------------* call by value.
                                                       * call by reference.
3 Body or definition of the function.

1 Prototype:- This is one of the most important part of user define. It is also known as a declaration of function means the name of the function number of argument and type of argument in the function and output type of a function means return value.
For e.g   syntax           
                         return type           function name    (agruments);
                       output value                               
                             int                                             sum    (int,int );

2 calling of function:-  During the function call a function may accept one or more input as argument , process them and return the result to the calling program 
It can be two types are-     * Call by value.
                                          * Call by reference.

3 Body or definition of function:-   A bod of a function consist of statement which are going to perform a specific task. Afunction body consist of a single or block of statement.It is also a mandatory part of a function. 
syntax        int    sum(int x, int y)
                       int c;
The basic structure of defining a user define function:-
# <header file>
#<header file>

function prototype    --------------------------------  1
void main()
function call ;    -------------------------------------  2
function body;  --------------------------------------    3

 For example 

int sum(int,int,int);
void main()
int x=2,y=3,z=4,total;
printf("total is =%d",total);
int sum(int a,int b,int c)
int d;
total is =9

condition with function :-
( mannar of writing a  function )
1 Function with argument & with return value.
2 Function with argument & number of return value .
3 Function with argument & with return value .
3 Function with no argument value & no return value

Now, one  example of function with argument & no return value which make more clear this topic..
      #include<conio..h >
void table(int);
     void mian() 

 int n;
printf("enter any no");
void table(n);
void table(int x)
int t, i;



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So, friends, this is the information related to the topic function C programming In our next post, we discuss the call by value and call by reference in detail... so please read our next blog to know more about a function

Mr. abhijeet dwivedi


Hey, I'm Abhijeet


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