c programming basics
In this tutorial, you will learn
*Introduction of c programming lanuguage.
*Features of c programming language.
Introduction- C is a general purpose high level language (it is also known as middle level language) that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 at (AT & T).
The Unix operating system and virtually all Unix application are written in c language.
Feature of C programming language
1. C is a middle level language.
2. C follow top down approach.
3. C is case sensitive.
4. C is structural programming language.
5. C is portable language.
6. Extensive use of function call.
7. Easy to update (function\feature).
9. C is simple language because of it easy syntax.
10. It is many times faster than BASIC.
Structure of c..
Header file
Global variable;
Main function;
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