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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Introduction and features of c++

                   C++ Programming
In this tutorial you will learn:-

     Introduction of c++

Bjarne stroustrup
The programming language is developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at AT & T (new jersey).
1. C++ is a high level programming language
2. C++ is object oriented programming language.
3. C++ is a superset of C programming language. We apply all concept of C in C++ programming languages.
4. C++ is develop by the combination of two programming language first is Simula 67 and second one is C.
Features of C++
1. Object:- Object is primary entity and this is created in runtime, it combines data and function.
2. Classes:- Classes is a collection of similar object (homogeneous object) and it is also a user define datatype.
3. Abstraction:- An abstraction is used for hiding of data.
4. Inheritance:- Inheritance is a process by which one object can acquire the properties of another object.
5. Encapsulation:-
Encapsulation is a process of wrapping of data and function together.
6. Overloading:- The concept of overloading p provised extensibility this means that we can extend the existing features.
7. polymorphism:- The word polymorphism means having many forms. Typically, polymorphism occurs when there is a hierarchy of classes and they are related by inheritance.
8. Dynamic Binding:- The dynamic binding is a process of connecting one program to another program.
Uses of C++:-
1. Games:- With the help of C++ it is very easy to develop a game because C++ provide all resources for gaming type software.

2. GUI based application:- GUI based application is also developed with the help of C++ programming language. For example:- Adobe system.

3. Database software:- C++ is also used for develop database software.

4. Operating system:- C++ is also used for develop operating system. There are some famous operating system  which is written in c++. For example- Apple OS, Microsoft, etc.

5. Browser:- This language C++ is also used for develop browser software. for example:- fire fox, and some google application.
6. Banking application:- C++ is also used for develop banking application.

7. Compilers:- C++ programming language is also used for developing compilers and most of the compilers are written in C++.

8. Enterprise software:- C++ is also used in many enterprise software.

Mr. abhijeet dwivedi


Hey, I'm Abhijeet


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