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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

c programming tokens and datatypes | codeswithabhi

Mr. abhijeet dwivedi

C programming token and datatypes

In this tutorial, you will learn



The token is the smallest individual unit of a program.

There are some token available in C programming are:-

1. Keywords:-

The keywords are some reserved word having a specific meaning which is used during the program.

2. Identifier.-

The identifier means, who identify the variable name, data type, or any name using during the program.

3. Variable:-

The variable means which holds some value.
for e.g- x=,y=4,etc.

4. Constant:-

A fixed value that never changes.
for e.g- x=3;[where 3 is constant].

5. Data type:-

The format of storing a value in a variable is called Data type.

                                DATA TYPE

As we know, Data type is a format of storing a value in a variable.

There are two types data types available in C

1. Primitive Data type:-

Primitive data types are also known as pre-defined or basic data type, and it represent  have a very simple nature( number, character, decimal value).

There are four types of primitive data type are:-

* Char:-

This data type is the use of inputting a character value in the program.
For example:-  char  arrr='a' ;

* Int:-

This data type is used for inputting an integer value in a program.
For example:-  Int x=10;

* Float:-

This data type is used for inputting a decimal value in a program.
For example:-   float d=10.3 ;

* Double:-

This data type is used for inputting an integer and decimal value both.
For example:-   double  x= 12.3;

2. Derived data type:-

The derived data type in also known as user defined data type.

There are five types of derived data type are: 


The array is the collection of homogeneous data items that share a common name,  Array contains similar kind of values on a same name it allocates contiguous or sequential memory.

Syntax      Data type          array name [size] ;
                     int                    arr[20] ; 

* Pointer:-

A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable. The pointer is represented by a sign (  *  ).
 Syntax:-    Data type     pointer name ;

There are some features of the pointer in C programming language are:-

1. Pointer saves memory space.
2. Execution time with pointer is faster because data is manipulated with the address is direct access to memory location.
3. The pointer reduce the length and complexity of the program.
4. The pointer is efficient in handling data and associated with the array.
5. 2D and 3D array and many more dimension array representation is easy in pointer.

Structure :-

It is a collection of different data type variable group together under a single name.

Syntax :-

struct  structure name 
data type  mem 1 ;
data type  mem 2 ;
data type  mem 3 ;
, , , ,  , , ,    , , , , , , 
, , , ,  , , ,    , , , , , , 
data type  mem n;

 Declaration of structure:-

struct book 
int pages ;
char name [ 100 ] ;
float price ;
} b ;

* Union :-

* Union is user defined data type just like structure.
* Each member  of structure is assigned it's own unique storage area whereas union all the member share common storage area.
* All member share  common area so only one member can be active at a time.
* Union are used when all the member are not assigned value at the same time.


Union tag name 
data type  member 1;
data type  member 2 ;

* Enum:-  

An enum is defined in the same way as structure with the keyword struct replace by the keyword enum.
enum       enum name 
mem 1;
mem 2;
mem 3;

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Monday, December 23, 2019

c programming basics | codeswithabhi

Mr. abhijeet dwivedi

  c programming basics      

In this tutorial, you will learn

*Introduction of c programming lanuguage.

*Features of c programming language.

Introduction-  C is a general purpose high level language (it is also known as middle level language)  that was originally developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972  at (AT & T).

The Unix operating system and virtually all  Unix application are written in c language.

   Feature of  C programming language

1. C is a middle level language.
2. C follow top down approach.
3. C is case sensitive.
4. C is structural programming language.
5. C is portable language.
6. Extensive use of function call.
7. Easy to update (function\feature).
9. C is simple language because of  it easy syntax.
10. It is many times faster than BASIC.

Structure of c..

Header file 
Global variable;
Main function;


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